Table of Contents, Year LX (2018)
Unlike the Italian version of the review Il Federalista, which comes out three times a year, The Federalist (English language version) is published as a single annual volume at the end of each year. It is sent to subscribers by the end of the February of the following year. However, some of the articles included in the English edition are published ahead of print on-line.
Single issue |
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Table of Contents, Year LX (2018)
Italian edition
Number 1 |
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Editorial |
La crisi irreversibile dell’Europa intergovernativa |
Essays |
Chi è sovrano nell’era dell’interdipendenza globale? |
Prospettive di completamento dell’Unione economica e monetaria tra proposte comunitarie e spinta franco-tedesca |
Notes |
La sfida della Russia |
Belt and Road Initiative, la politica estera cinese e le opportunità per l’Europa |
Gestire l’emergenza climatica in Europa: non si tratta solo di ridurre le emissioni di CO2 |
Viewpoints |
Macron, carbon pricing e bilancio dell’eurozona |
Thirty Years Ago | Unione europea e Comunità europea: due assetti istituzionali incompatibili? Antonio Padoa Schioppa |
Number 2-3 |
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