political revue



Table of Contents, Year XLIII, 2001



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Editorial Europe after Nice
The Federalist
Essays Raison d’Etat, Peace and the Federalist Strategy
Sergio Pistone

On the Topicality of World Federalism
Lucio Levi

The Political Phase and Strategic Phase of Unification Processes
Roberto Castaldi

Thirty Years Ago

Monetary Union and Europe's Political Alternative
Mario Albertini



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Editorial Law and Politics
The Federalist
Essays Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy and a European Constitution
Alfonso Sabatino

From Europeanism to Federalism
Nicoletta Mosconi

"Dollarisation" in Latin America and the Mercosur Crisis
Stefano Spoltore


Europe Needs a New "Schuman Initiative"
Andrea Chiti-Batelli

Federalism in the History of Thought

James Madison - The Federalist N.10
Edited by Franco Spoltore



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Editorial Europe and the Islamic World
The Federalist
Essays Notes on Sovereignty
Francesco Rossolillo

The Scientific Revolution and Genetically-Modified Organisms
Franco Spoltore

Fortress Europe or Open Space?
John Parry


The Limits and Dilemmas of Pacifism
Nicoletta Mosconi



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The Federalist / Le Fédéraliste / Il Federalista
Via Villa Glori, 8
I-27100 Pavia