Table of Contents, Year XXVI, 1984
Number 1 | Download Issue |
Editorial |
The Federalist |
Essays |
Mario Albertini |
North-South Relations and Europe Reform John Pinder |
Notes |
On English as a Universal Language Francesco Rossolillo |
German Reunification and Europe Unification Sergio Pistone |
Reform of the Council: the Bundesrat Model Richard Corbett |
Thurow and the Problem of Equity Alberto Majocchi |
Federalist Action |
The Relations between Politics and Culture in the Experience of the MFE in Italy Francesco Rossolillo |
Federalism in the History of Tghought |
The Federalist |
Number 2 | Download Issue |
Editorial |
The Problem of Peace and the European Parliament The Federalist |
Essays |
National Sovereignty and Peace Lord Lothian |
Federalism in a Post-Industrial Society Francesco Rossolillo |
Notes |
Francesco Rossolillo |
Problems of Peace |
The Third European Convention for Nuclear Disarmament Nicoletta Mosconi |
What Does "Education for Peace" Mean? Marita Rampazi |
Federalism in the History of Thought | Prefaced and edited by Guido Montani |
Number 3 | Download Issue |
Editorial |
The Federalist |
Essays |
Economic Union and the Draft Treaty John Pinder |
Notes |
Sir Charles Kimber |
Territorial Identity and Democracy Francesco Rossolillo |
Britain within the European Economic Community: the Way Forward Alberto Majocchi |
Problems of Peace |
The Benefits of Reducing Military Spending Lucio Levi |
General Löser Takes a Step Backwards to Nationalism Sergio Pistone |
Federalist Action |
The Federalist Struggle in Britain Ernest Wistrich |
Guido Montani | |
The Political Orientation of the Mfe MFE |
Discussions |
A Letter from Rosario Romeo on German Re-Unification Rosario Romeo |
Peace and Politics: a Prelude to New Relationship Antonio Longo |
Andrea Chiti-Batelli | |
Federalism in The History of Thought | The Federalist |