political revue



Table of Contents, Year XXVI, 1984

Number 1 pdf_button Download Issue

Towards a World Government

The Federalist

War Culture and Peace Culture

Mario Albertini

North-South Relations and Europe Reform

John Pinder

On English as a Universal Language

Francesco Rossolillo

German Reunification and Europe Unification

Sergio Pistone

Reform of the Council: the Bundesrat Model

Richard Corbett

Thurow and the Problem of Equity

Alberto Majocchi

Federalist Action

The Relations between Politics and Culture in the Experience of the MFE in Italy

Francesco Rossolillo

Federalism in the History of Tghought

Albert Einstein

The Federalist




Number 2 pdf_button Download Issue

The Problem of Peace and the European Parliament

The Federalist


National Sovereignty and Peace

Lord Lothian

Federalism in a Post-Industrial Society

Francesco Rossolillo


Spinelli "Man of the Work"

Francesco Rossolillo

Problems of Peace

The Third European Convention for Nuclear Disarmament

Nicoletta Mosconi


What Does "Education for Peace" Mean?

Marita Rampazi
Federalism in the History of Thought

Lionel Robbins

Prefaced and edited by Guido Montani


Number 3 pdf_button Download Issue

A Decisive Battle

The Federalist


Economic Union and the Draft Treaty

John Pinder


Federal Union

Sir Charles Kimber

Territorial Identity and Democracy

Francesco Rossolillo


Britain within the European Economic Community: the Way Forward

Alberto Majocchi
Problems of Peace

The Benefits of Reducing Military Spending

Lucio Levi

General Löser Takes a Step Backwards to Nationalism

Sergio Pistone
Federalist Action

The Federalist Struggle in Britain

Ernest Wistrich

The Young and Federalism

Guido Montani

The Political Orientation of the Mfe


A Letter from Rosario Romeo on German Re-Unification

Rosario Romeo

Peace and Politics: a Prelude to New Relationship

Antonio Longo

A Language for Europe?

Andrea Chiti-Batelli
Federalism in The History of Thought

Alexander Hamilton

The Federalist


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The Federalist / Le Fédéraliste / Il Federalista
Via Villa Glori, 8
I-27100 Pavia